Quinrose: Alice Love Fables – Toy Box (Mangareview)

The Blue Books' Board


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Wow that was rather quick: I literally devoured the manga as soon as it was delivered this morning (see previous post unpacking the delivery) 😝💜.

‘Alice Love Fables: Toy Box’ is a collection of short stories drawn by Mamenosuke Fujimaru and written by Quinrose around the Otomne Games ‘Alice in the Country of Hearts’ (jap. Heart no kuni no alice), ‘Arabians Lost’ and ‘Crimson Empire’ that came out for PC and PS4 some time ago. The three of them have sold quite well in the past and were that popular, that the Seven Seas agency decided to bring on several manga adaptations that sold out pretty quick (reviews of them will follow 🥰).

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