❤❤ Happy Mother’s Day: Mother’s words to her children (a poem)❤❤

Dear readers, ❤ Today is Mother’s Day: At all times we should be grateful to our mothers! ❤ If you'd like to share this poem with your dear ones simply click the "Share-Button" of this post! 😀 Have a beautiful day with your dear ones! ❤ The poem “Happy mother's day: Mother’s words to her children” (©illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature

❤❤ Happy mother’s day: Buckets full of roses (a poem) ❤❤

Dear readers, ❤ Today is Mother’s Day: At all times we should be grateful to our mothers! ❤ If you'd like to share this poem with your dear ones - simply click the "Share-Button" of this post! 😀 Have a beautiful day with your dear ones! ❤ The poem “Happy mother's day: Buckets full of roses” (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature